Tag Archives: faded sign

Colourful overlap

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I spotted this sign, or I should really say signs just last week and on the side of a house I have passed so many times. Who knows why I haven’t seen it before!
It is on Lutterworth Road Leicester close to the junction with Middleton Street.
There are quite a few advertisements painted here and more painted on top only to be revealed as they are as the paint decays.
I can see Picture Post, Capstan cigarettes, Wills’s Star cigarettes and maybe one more on the top left but I haven’t figured that out yet.
It’s one of the most colourful ghost signs I’ve seen blue, red and yellow overlapping, so large too.DSCN2466

When transport was horse drawn

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When transport was horse drawn

Here is another faded sign in the Fosse Road North area.
This one is just along the road from Beatrice Road in Battenbergh Road.
Tucked away up the little side street are some buildings where horses were stabled.
I wonder why they advertised the sables, can only be to increase business I guess.